beach and deckchairs

You’d be forgiven for thinking only of ice cream and beaches at this time of year but we must bring you back down to earth (sorry about that!).

It’s because now is exactly the right time to consider getting your home or workplace winter ready – as they say – ‘The time to repair a roof is when the sun is shining’.

Your home will probably be at its very driest soon so it’s a brilliant time to have a quick walk around both inside and out to assess whether there are any problems. Look for


  • Any cracking to bricks or rendering on the outside
  • Missing mortar (cement) between the bricks
  • Grass or other plants growing in the gutters
  • Missing slates or tiles


  • Any signs of dampness or mould especially behind furniture or curtains
  • Any rooms that seem unusually hotter or colder than usual
  • Collections of dead woodlice in corners or behind furniture
  • Any water marks on the walls

If you see any of these the issue will need further investigation. We’re happy to help if it’s to do with render, brickwork or defective insulation, if it may be due to something else – a slipped tile or water leak for example – we suggest you find a reliable local builder on where everybody I verified and you can search customer reviews.

So have a quick check around today and then go back to enjoying the Summer, at least while it lasts.

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