It may seem quite a crazy idea to think about insulation for homes just as summer is arriving! If your home isn’t well insulated, or the insulation is old or doesn’t meet the latest energy efficiency requirements, now is definitely a good time to consider getting your home insulated so that it is ready for the colder weather – and you can start to reap the benefits during the summer months too.
Good quality insulation makes such a difference to your home – all year round. The layers of insulation under your floor, in the attic and in the cavity walls, act as really efficient thermal barriers – preventing warmth from escaping outside in the winter months and keeping the heat out and rooms pleasantly cool inside during the summer.
What are the benefits of fitting installation in the summer?

Although most people think of insulation as a good way to prevent heat loss from their home, it also conserves energy and reduces fuel bills. Good insulation is just as important during hot weather.

A well-insulated house, will feel comfortable all year round and this means that rooms will stay pleasantly cool in the summer, making your home more pleasant both during the day and when you are trying to sleep at night. Good insulation definitely reduces your energy consumption and fuel bills as you do not have to use ceiling fans or invest in air conditioning in the warm summer months.

Looking ahead to the winter, it is definitely sensible to get the insulation in your home checked during the warmer months. If you find that the insulation is inadequate or needs adding to, it is a really straight forward procedure to have done as it takes the experts just a few hours to line your roof with new insulating material and make a series of holes in your outside wall so that insulating foam can be used to fill the cavity walls. The important point is that rain is unlikely to stop work at this time of year and companies are not quite as hectic as when the temperature drops in the autumn. That is when everyone suddenly thinks about insulation!
Good insulation saves energy

If you need convincing that good insulation saves energy and money, the average house without good loft insulation, loses 40% of its heat through its roof. Up to 30% of heat can be lost through the walls too. Whilst it is possible to install loft insulation yourself, it is best to call in the experts who will ensure that the new insulation is professionally fitted .
Cavitech is Sussex- based company that specialises in insulation and operates nationwide.. Not only can its engineers quickly and efficiently install new insulation in cavity walls and the loft, they can also assess the quality of your current insulating material – and importantly – its condition. Loft insulation isn’t as effective if it is old, damaged or not of the recommended thickness (270 mm) and this can all be quickly assessed by the engineers. Like wise, tell-tale signs of damp on an interior wall can be highlighting a problem with damp passing through damaged brickwork outside and through the cavity to the inner wall- definitely best to get this checked.

What other plus factors for insulation?

The main advantages of really good insulation in your home is that it will make your home comfortable to live in all year through. You will find that your heating and cooling bills are drastically cut, and importantly, your property’s greenhouse gas emissions will be dramatically reduced too.
You will find that having a home that you can heat far more effectively with no draughty areas and little heat loss will minimise problems such as damp, condensation and mould.
Another bonus is that insulating material is effective for soundproofing rooms from outside traffic too.
Good insulation isn’t as costly as you think

As well as being quick to install, insulation is reasonably priced. Money Super Market states that to insulate an average sized detached property is about £745. The annual fuel bill for the same property can be reduced by £245, so in reality, the cavity wall insulation will pay for itself in three years. The cost of insulation for a semi-detached house is about £475 and a flat, £330. It definitely makes economical sense to have your home well insulated.
House buyers demand good insulation

Although you may not be thinking of selling your home this year, installing effective insulation throughout is definitely a good investment as it will raise your property’s energy-efficiency rating. House buyers demand effective insulation and a good energy-efficiency rating when looking for a property. If your property has neither, it is likely that its market value will be impacted.
If you choose a reputable company like Cavitech for your insulation needs, they will be a member of the Cavity Wall Insulation Guarantee Agency (CIGA) or The National Insulation Agency (NIA). The good news is that with both, there is a 25 year guarantee for both the insulation materials and its installation – which is great news for when you come to sell your property.

And so does the world…

From a conservation point of view, it is essential for everyone to reduce their carbon footprint, to use less energy and to do so wisely. All homes will be required to be energy efficient in the years to come as the British Government has committed itself to ‘going green’ by reducing the nation’s carbon emissions to zero by the year 2050.
Following on from this, Which? in its 25 February 2021 report on cavity wall insulation, states that a family in a three-bedroomed semi-detached house in the UK can save £245 on heating bills and nearly £700 in CO2 emissions per year with effective insulation. It really does make sense to make Summer 2021 a cool one for your family…

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Get your home insulated this summer!