Millions of tenants in the UK worry about dampness and condensation in their home.
The issue causes damage to clothing, furnishing and even the health of the occupier. It can also lead to landlords withholding the deposit at the end of the term to put right damage to décor or carpeting.
All in all it is not good!
But what is it and what can be done to stop it?
There is always some moisture in the air. If the air gets cold, it can’t hold all of this moisture and appears as droplets of water on cold surfaces such as windows and walls. Think of a cold beer glass on a hot day. This is condensation.
Condensation can be reduced by:
1. Producing less moisture in your home
2. Preventing moisture spreading around your home
3. Keeping your home well ventilated
4. Keeping your home warm
The average household produces around 24 pints of moisture every day, caused by drying clothes (9 pints), cooking (6 pints) and simply breathing (3 pints)!
The moisture can cause mould which is often found in colder rooms like bedrooms, bathrooms and hallways. It is usually found on window frames, outside
walls, in wardrobes or behind furniture where airflow is restricted.
How can you reduce it?
Try these Top Tips…
• Use lids on pans and turn the heat down once the contents are boiling
• Hang washing outside whenever you can
• If you use a tumble dryer make sure it is vented to the outside
• If you dry clothes inside, dry in a room with the window open and the door closed
• Reduce steam when running the bath by running cold water first and then topping up with warm. Simple eh?
• Close doors in rooms where moisture is being produced, like a bathroom
• Keep your home ventilated
• Each morning, ‘air’ the affected rooms by opening the windows for a little while and wiping down any wet windows and sills. Wring excess water outside or down a plug
• Leave bathroom and kitchen windows open slightly for 20 minutes once you have finished cooking or showering. If your windows have trickle vents fitted leave these open as this will provide a steady flow of fresh air
Tell your landlord or managing agent about the problem if it continues. It could be that the dampness is caused by an external issue such as wet cavity insulation or roof/pointing damage. If so, it is usually the landlord’s responsibility to rectify it.
The most important thing is not to ignore it. Once condensation and dampness takes hold, the damage and cost to put right will only get worse.
You can find out even more here